manu’s bookmarks

Welcome to my bookmark page.

It’s still a little empty here, but I’m in the process of adding more of the bookmarks I acquired over the years and from now on want to share with y’all.

Below are the latest five of them, the rest are grouped by year. There also should be a search at some point in the future.

Happy browsing! :)

The Batsh*t Software Aphex Twin Used(new)

The Noise-Arch Archive

This collection is a compilation of underground/independently-released cassette tapes from the days when the audio cassette was the standard method of music sharing... generally the mid-eighties through early-nineties. The material represented includes tape experimentation, industrial, avant-garde, indy, rock, diy, subvertainment and auto-hypnotic materials. Much of this material defies category, and has therefore not been given one.

This site is the online presence of the project ( ), which consists of a series of filecasts, each an assemblage of sounds, images, and words, and made available for download, sharing, commentary, and further manipulation.